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eBike Your Way into Kona Royal History

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

eBikes at King Kamehameha Royal site

When you visit Kona, Hawaii, you are surrounded by ancient Hawaiian history. But, many travelers to the area are not aware of the sites nestled between the awesome beaches and pristine waters in Kailua-Kona. When you visit, make sure you enjoy the natural beauty of our Hawaiian paradise, but your trip will not be complete until you learn about the rich history of this important area stretching 7 miles along Alii Drive. And, the best way to see it is on an electric bike from Kona Fat Bikes that turns your day into a fun and easy adventure!

To make the most of your eBike trip back to ancient times, thereʻs a smartphone app to guide the way. The Kailua Village Business Improvement District (KVBID) launched a free smartphone application that users can download to learn more about history, significant sites and things to do along Royal Footsteps Along the Kona Coast, the state’s second Hawaii Scenic Byway. The Kona Royal Footsteps APP is an interpretive experience that focuses on Alii Drive’s roughly seven miles of roadway with seven centuries of archaeological, historic and cultural traditions and more than two dozen impressive points of interest.

eBike through Kona

Thanks to efforts by Kailua Village Business Improvement District, the Local Byway Committee, a grant from Hawaii Tourism Authority, and to HTA-funded County of Hawaii County Product Enrichment Program funding, the Kona Royal Footsteps APP shares a tremendous amount of historical information and photos along with ocean recreation, shoreline access, area accommodations and more.

Downloads for the free application are available in online APP stores by searching “Kona Royal Guide,” or “Kona Royal Footsteps.”

eBike through Kona

So, when you visit Kona make sure you enjoy learning about our rich history with an awesome self-guided eBike tour and the Kona Royal Footsteps smartphone app.


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